15 Apr 2013

Life is Precious

As a runner I'm shocked to see the horrific pictured being spread over the internet from the Boston Marathon bombings. Lives are lost, people are injured and you're left with a bit 'why' echoing in your head. My heart aches yet I feel empty, and I struggle to comprehend that not everyone thinks that life is precious.

For me running was a bit of a life saver. When I started running whilst recovering from my eating disorders running gave me peace of mind and a sense of purpose. It was a friend that sometimes helped me clear my head and sometimes helped me stay on the path of recovery, giving me a 'reason' to eat properly. I don't understand why someone would tarnish a sport that does so much for so many. I don't know why these bombs were set of, but as Peter Flax of Bicyling Magazine said on Twitter - "Setting off bombs at a marathon finish isn't a political statement. It's a moral statement. Like you want hope to die. Ain't gonna happen." Regardless of how hard it is or how impossible it feels this is a time to come together and show that hope wont die - and to remember that marathon running also makes for great achievements.

 My thoughts goes out to everyone affected, and as nurse I'm so impressed and thankful for the hard work that the medical workers and emergency personnell are putting in. Instead of being a day where we celebrate great achievements we're doubting the world we live in, and the people in it and that makes me sad because running brings people together. Yesterday I was out running with my lovely friend Zoe and we were sharing stories about all the lovely people we've met through running - at races and at training. Some have become friends while others were just people we met and connected with for a few moments or miles but that you still remember even after a lot of time's passed. Running brings out the good in people and when you're on mile 23 of a marathon, and someone gives you a kind word of encouragement then your faith in mankind is somewhat restored.

All my previous angst about my upcoming marathon now feels silly and petty and when I do run the Greater Manchester Marathon I will be running for Boston, every 42.195 meter.

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